We offer several payment options, including checks (made out to “AAMA”) and cash.
These payments may be placed in the payment drop box located inside the school or checks
(bank bill pay is welcome too) may be mailed to:
Auburn Academy of Martial Arts
323 Airport Road, Suite J
Auburn, AL 36830
We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express. We prefer that you set up recurring monthly payments, and card information is submitted through your KickSite user account. Click below to let us know that you are ready for us to set up autopay (no charge will be made at this time); you MUST already have your card information saved in your Kicksite user account.
While we want students to be committed to our program and reach their ultimate goal, we do not require any long-term contracts. Our program is not for everyone and individual needs change over time; we understand that. A simple reply to any billing email is all we need to adjust your account within our automated billing system.
If you have additional questions or concerns about any of these payment options, please contact us by phone or email. We will be happy to help you find the best option to meet your needs.
Prefer Paypal?
**Make sure to include the student name in your payment description
Now accepting Venmo payments!